Slush Invaders Game

Made: 2012 • Dev Progress: 100% (Complete!)

Type: Cannon Launcher

Controls:  Click or #1-5 to send out fighters. QWE to switch targets.

2020 Update: You can play the game via BlueMaxima’s Flashpoint project. Slush Invaders Game is on their master game archive list:

Click here to Download Slush Invaders Game_1.1.exe

192 thoughts on “Slush Invaders Game

  1. i was like 5 – 6 years when the first time i played this game on my uncle windows 7 it was really fun and gave me a lot of joy, now i am 16 and i wish i can go back to those days and have the fun again

  2. Hey Gildedguy, are you going to update the game into HTML5? Since Flash is removing support for Adobe Flash, there isn’t any way for us to play the game, even if you download it, it’s stuck on a single frame.

    • This game is very cool, but it will be better if you update it. Of course even than to finish gildedguy story # 0 . Yes ??? 🙂

  3. Itll probably get lost some where along this comment list but i always come back to this game and all your animatoins for a large dose of nostalgia because i played this game around the time it actually first came out and id jus like to thank you for honestly just all the content you put out painsteakingly making every frame with passion it really shows in everything you do! So have a good one ~ from a long time fan

  4. Not sure anyone knows but i found a pretty broken team. Order as followed: stick james, staddison, stick michael, sthomas, westick, stick jorge, and stick sean. Use of specials times infinity.

  5. Holy molly!!! this game is just amazing!!!! its so amazing that I got a 58 combo streak although is glided guy still gonna keep updating the game?

  6. I found this visual glitch where if you combine Stick james’s ultra with hardline, fist’s o fury, and westick, you can get a level 4 ultrameter very fast and then use the ultra 4 times in a row, and some fighters remain on the screen, standing still, doing nothing.

  7. I play this game since it released, and i made a 800 combo or something i don’t have a screen shot cuz i was a kid back in the day


  9. I just found out about this game from your YouTube channel and I really enjoy playing it (and I’m not the type to enjoy games). It’s super amazing and easy to follow and I seriously cannot believe you made this by yourself! It’s awesome and you are awesome! Can’t wait for your future works and thank you so much to making this game. You are an inspiration to many people and I hope you stay awesome!! <3
    (BTW, I really like Sthomas' Yo! tips. make me laugh every time I read it. XP)

  10. Been playing the game for 4 years, I’d say this game never gets old!
    Great game. No words needed because this is a masterpiece!
    It’s a game like a corporation made it but it’s only a few guys (Right?)

  11. Strategies for Noobs:

    StEdro (Power+) + StickHanh (Wing Boost) + Stick Matt (Power+) = Ultra Velocity

    Stick Brian (Reinforcement, High Pressure) + MarcStick (All Upgrades) + Sticorey (Hp+, Bolster) = Unstoppable Chain

    JoshStick (Kamikazee) + StHang (Hp-, Ashes)

    Stucker (All Upgrades) + StEric (Quick Scope) + Stick Michael (Extra Ink)
    Stick Michael could make a ceiling above the ground enemies to trap them, this way StEric could do a Multi-Collateral shot. Meanwhile Stucker’s Ultra Attack could do extra damage to the enemies so the weak enemies can be killed immediately.

    Pro Tips:

    Don’t use StEdro on enemies or boss battles.

    Some attacks can BUILD UP speed on Big Blue meanwhile some attacks slows down Big Blue. Make sure you use the correct Fighter on the correct Blue.

    Use Stick Sean’s Linear Momentum Upgrade if you need to get Big Blue away from the crowd of Blues.

    Seriously, don’t use StEdro on Boss Battles. His Damage is terrible.

    I hope this helped

  12. I came back to this fantaSTICK game after 6 years later spent 6 hours on it and got all the unlockables again and felt accomplished. You are an extremely talented man who has inspired me and many others. I hope you keep the great job and I look forward to your next game, animation and even speed paint.

    BY: *look at the username*

  13. Hey GildedGuy, i just want you to know that you’ve made an amazing game, but one of my favorite characters Stick Brian’s reinforcement ability is broken, it doesnt activate on the right stick to Brian. Hope you can fix this, that is if you still update this game. Cheers!

  14. Glideguy, or mike, can u respond to me? theres some lag in this game that I don’t like about it. its with the 1st boss. or all te bosses. it lags and then makes me die, the stickman is not letting me control it. plz fix it and please respond. also I lover your videos.

    • Heya! Sorry about the lag, I can suggest that you lower the quality of the game to LOW. Also try to play on a better device/computer?

  15. Could somebody please give me a few tips on how to lengthen combos? I can’t seem to figure out how to do it…

  16. Hey, is it possible you could upload a time-lapse of how you animate certain characters (I particularly like Marc Stick)? Please?
    Love your game! I get so many inspiration from it!

  17. in NG+ on Autumnus big blue just dissapear, and in another levels, and because of that i can’t even with max hit start level, what should i do with this?

    • Basically, StEric snipes u in the back, StOmar just stays on the ground so you should try double-jumping over him, SThomas will try and harm you, after his combo, BEAT HIM UP. (U should also try and have your slush fighters focus on either Sthomas and StEric since Omar becomes invincible while attacking)

  18. a little easter egg,when stick michael uses his ultra,its says,” Gildedguy,” XD u just wanted to ad something in the game to show thanks for
    the guy that animated the trailor with u?

  19. i really hope u fix it,because i liked the vids,but i want to play the game,i hope u got enough time to fix i please and thanks

  20. Dear Gildedguy

    this game is cool i`m play this game all day but can you made slush invaders 2 please


    update this game the characther,levels,ending,and more


    made this game again but the story are different the big blues will make the slush fighter will fight each other,St. Andrew will make them be joined again,and then slush fighter and St. Andrew will revenge on big blues

    sorry for making you tired of making it
    you have to use the sad ending
    choose 1 or 2 to making it, if you can make 3 of it, ITS GREAT

    please please please please please please please please please please please please make it
    If you make it

    Thank You 🙂

  21. Aww man! This game is so fun and I’m now playing NG+ mode, but the crappy part is, is that all my data and load got deleted some how and now I have to start all over! I was really hoping to achieve the secret ending too! I’ve already seen the secret ending but I wanted to achieve it myself…man this game is so much fun but I gotta start all over.(which I don’t mind but still a bit upset about it)

  22. Hey, I never knew it/never realized it, but it’s an amazing tip that farms your Ultra-Attack, but it’s even better than the one in the Cook Book! Okay, so here’s how it goes: Sthomas [with Fists O’ Fury] + Stick Jorge [with Power Cap+ or Level Up] + Sticorey

    • Okay, so here’s the recipe, Sthomas’ Fists O’ Fury upon Stick Jorge will speeden up the process of farming, and Sticorey’s invinciblity upon Jorge will secure the farm. But if it’s not enough, you can just add the Bolster and the HP+ upgrade to Sticorey.

    • He’s there so that when ever he dies, if you bought the upgrade, he heals the fighters next to his icon that have health. That’s also why there’s an upgrade to halve his health so that he can die faster. (I understand your confusion, I was confused about him too.) 🙂

    • When he dies he also does an attack that goes makes him launch super fast and u can get it done easier but u have to buy the upgrade 😛

    • I was confused too until I figured out his ability to use pain as strength. When he dies he comes back to life and destroys everything in his path. StHang is pretty useful on those levels filled with drabs and cobalts.

  23. Ok, This game is amazing. But there is just one glitch in the NG+ mode.

    When you use Ben Stickobi’s Ultimate during the football boss dude, the game will glitch out.
    – St. Andrew is no longer on the screen
    – Your team is no longer visible
    – Boss and back round is in an endless animation.
    – Boss can not attack
    – You can not reset
    – You can not change quality
    – You can not mute/un mute
    – Because of this, you need to reload page to continue playing

    Hopefully you can fix these problems 😀

  24. Hey, GildedGuy? How do you come up with combos and attacks for your games and anims? They’re awesome! I want to know because I’m making a fighting game and I want to make the combat look as awesome as possible.

    • Hm, I draw a lot of my inspiration from similar action games I like. Games with really good combat animation makes the punches/kicks look impactful and “crunchy”. Devil May Cry, Kingdom Hearts, Gears of War, Street Fighter all have really good combat. I’d say watch (or even better, play!) a good amount of games and pay attention to the animation.

  25. At the near end of the video, we see light green shotgunners, are they blue baddies… or green? hmm? I wonder.

  26. awsem easy not realy but is sooo awesom…………………………………………. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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