Gildedguy Stories

Gildedguy & the Dragon of Mar (2024) 32 mins
A golden knight confronts the soul of a marred dragon.

Gildedguy & the RHG (2022) 12 mins
A clash between old, gold, and new.

Gildedguy Gets Up (2021) 10 mins
A grey stickman tries to paint a golden future.

Gildedguy vs Oxob (2020) 13 mins
A battle of shine and shock.

Gildedguy & the Green-Eyed Cowboy (2019) 2 mins
A jealous Gildedguy is haunted by a green-eyed menace hiding in plain sight.
Gildedguy vs Bog (2017) 9 mins
An infernal battle between gold and acid.
Invincibility Knight (2017) 1 min
An invincible runner painfully shows us what he’s got.
Gildedguy vs Jade (2015) 7 mins
A musical fight and story between an armored guy and a stick lady.
Basement Busk (2016) 8 mins
A guy of gold is taught the art of the ask.
Other Shorts
Slush Invaders Duel (2013) 3 mins
Fun musical fight between two gladiator friends.
Rhythm & Rockets (2015) 4 mins
This is a story about a girl, a robot, and letting loose.
Falcomaster the Smash Bros Anime (2016) 2 mins
This is an intro animation about a lone smasher who saves the world from a terrible meta-gaming future.
See more shorts, animations, and speed-paints on my YouTube channel!