Old project, not playable since servers are down. Controlled via chat commands:
/left Moves your player to the left-most empty spot.
/right Moves your player to the right-most empty spot.
/move [spot #] Moves your player to the specified slot in the room.
/standby Skips your turn.
/attack [player id #] Deals 4 damage to the target player. When they hit 0 HP, they’re kicked outta the game!
/defend [player id #] Puts you in active defense of another player. When the other player takes damage, you will absorb an equal fraction of the damage.
/ask Provides a list of /ask commands.
/tell Provides a list of /tell commands.
You would type something after /standby or /attack command to shout it out to the group. Example:
/standby YOU’RE GOIN DOWN!!!!!!!
/attack 1 You’re goin down!!!!!
1 Comment
Working on… A Multi-User Dungeon | Michael Moy · January 30, 2016 at 11:18 am
[…] Play the current build of Gilded Quest here! […]